Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A potential entrant into next year's Tampa Bay Marathon Swim sent an email to me asking some basic questions regarding equipment, rules etc. Here are the links to information about our event, followed by links of some of the world's best open water swimming websites. I put the list together in about 3 minutes, so please forgive me if I've not listed your site.
US Masters Swimming
Santa Barbara Channel
New York & Manhattan
OWS Wiki
Fresh Water Swimmer
Open Water Swimmer
ED .net
EC .com

Friday, November 2, 2012

Most of this week has been a steady dose of rapid interval freestyle sets, but today's main set has a longer rest for stroke work.

10 x 100 warm up on 1:30
7 x 150 kick on 2:45 (most everyone wears fins)
20 x 25 fast on :25
4 x 75 on 1:20 (50 stroke, 25 free)
4 x 125 on 2:15 (75 stroke, 50 free)
4 x 75 on 1:20 (50 stroke, 25 free)
4 x 125 on 2:15 (75 stroke, 50 free)
4 x 75 on 1:20 (50 stroke, 25 free)
4 x 125 on 2:15 (75 stroke, 50 free)
150 cool down
5100 scy Total

It's beautiful during November in St. Petersburg. We finish workout about 20 minutes before the sun rises over Tampa Bay.