Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Grind
Since we were in the open water last Saturday, today we did a long workout that was supposed to be for a total of 15,000 short course yards.  Imagine our disappointment to see that our pool wasn't set up for scy, but instead was set up for short course meters.  We adjusted the intervals, and did it all, anyway. 

10 x 150 warmup on 2:05

10 x 100 kick on 1:50

10 x 100 on 1:37 }
10 x 100 on 1:32 }
60 x 100 on 1:28 }  No rest between sets, for
10 x 100 on 1:32 }      a total of 100 x 100s
10 x 100 on 1:37 }

20 x 75 on 1:20 drill

8 x 75 on 1:15 fast

4 x 100 cool down

15,000 scm

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

10 x 125 warm up on 1:45
10 x 75 drill swim drill on 1:15
15 x 100 on 1:40  1 fast, 2 easy
6 x 150 kick on 2:45
12 x 25 fast, easy on :40
150 cool down
Total 4850 scy

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Overdistance Workout II

1x100    Warm up  on 1:30
1x200    Warm up    on 3:00
1x300    Warm up    on 4:30
1x400    Warm up    on 6:00
1x300    Warm up    on 4:30
1x200    Warm up    on 3:00
1x100    Warm up    on 1:30
12x75    Kick    on 1:30
30x100    Swim    on 1:20
12x75    Drill    on 1:20
30x100    Swim    on 1:20
12x75    Backstroke on 1:20
30x100    Swim    on 1:20
8x25    Fast Swim    on :30
6x100    Warm Down on  1:30

Total 14,105 SCY