Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Test Pace Set

Today's workout was short, and to-the-point.  The main set was 4 broken 500s,  holding the best average possible.   The pace you establish can be used to calculate your mile time.   So, if you average 1:30 every 100 yards, your mile time will be about 26 1/2 minutes.

90 seconds 
x 17.6  (a mile is 1760 yards, not 1650 yards)
1584 seconds or 26.4 minutes to swim a mile in a pool

We trained at a municipal outdoor pool, thinking that there would be few people willing to brave the mid-40s temperatures.  We were right, and had the entire place to ourselves on a day that broke a 100+ year old record for the lowest high temperature for this date.  Gulf Temp:  52F

300 warmup

4 x 125 on 1:40      }
100 easy on 2:00   }     x 4

20 x 50    1 Fly, 1 Free - 5 on :60, 5 on :55

300 swim down

4000 SCY Total

Angela and Gabriel - Happy Florida Swimmers

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Foggy Thursday

After yesterday's open water training at Madeira Beach in 64F, today's pool temp felt extremely warm.  It was probably 82F, but it felt even warmer.  We had a mix-up w/ the clock programming, so we ended up doing a couple hundred extra on this foggy Thursday morning.

5 x 200 warm up on 3:00
5 x 200 kick on 3:30
3 x 200 drill on 3:20
18 x 150 swim on 2:20 
     (2x150 fast, 2x100 fast, 2x50 fast)x3
4 x 25 fast on :45
150 swim down

5550 scy Total